Q39: May i know the % of influence with regards to 本命, 大限, 小限, 流年, 流月,流时,流分,流钞. How much effects on current situations
2021年2月15日 (星期一)
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來自紫微雲 Youtube 影片:細說天空、地劫及座各宮之效應 留言
Happy CNY teacher,
May i know the % of influence with regards to 本命, 大限, 小限, 流年, 流月,流时,流分,流钞. How much effects on current situations
There is a saying —— It takes a year to build a house, a day to hold a wedding ceremony, and a whole life to deal with a complicated relationship or love triangle.
It means that the different time scale should be applied to evaluate the outcome of the different cases. For example, it is meaningless to use 流秒 to decide whether or not one should buy the house property this year, but defiantly meaningful to buy a scratch-off (lottery) ticket.
If you are a beginner of different time scale SiHua (“四化”) analysis, combining 本命+大限+流年 should do well on interpret events in a specific year, and combining 流月+流日+流時 also works well in daily level.
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Q38: May i know the % of influence with regards to 本命, 大限, 小限, 流年, 流月,流时,流分,流钞. How much effects on current situations
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